Leader in me 4.0 Training Course
LEADER IN ME is a training course with the aim of giving support to young people who are on the path to becoming youth leaders or youth workers of the future.
During this 8-day training, we will explore various methods, non-formal education tools and share good practices which will support you in rediscovering your inner leadership skills and strengthening your abilities and competencies.
The training will take place in the permaculture farm Veles, in a small village called Svinjsko in Slovenia. We’re surrounded by nature where silence is an important element of it.
We are looking for 26 participants from: Bulgaria | Croatia | Czech Republic | France Germany | Hungary | Italy | Netherlands Portugal | Serbia |Slovenia | Spain
DATES: 9th – 18th of August 2023
ALL COSTS COVERED: transport | food | accommodation | trainers
For more information and application to the training click here
For any inquiries please contact: Veles team: projectsveles@gmail.com or organiser Zavod Veles www.kmetija-veles.si