Project stories…

“Watt’s in the socket?” – Youth Exchanges on energy and sustainability
The project “Watt’s in the socket?” was implemented from June 2024 to January 2025. It consisted of 2 Erasmus+ Youth Exchange mobilities, and was created with 5 partners: GAIA Germany e.V.,…

Revitalizing Rural Communities: Erasmus + Youth Exchange in the Rural Area of Serbia
From the 7th to 17th of August, the household of Valley of Jara became the hosting place of Zeleno dopa’s first youth exchange – Revitalizing Rural Communities. It brought together 30…

Sustainability on Stage 2.0 – A Transformative Journey in Asturias, Spain
In 2024, a unique project, Sustainability on Stage 2.0, brought together youth workers from six different countries—Serbia, Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, and Turkey—to explore the powerful intersection between theatre and sustainability….

SOLACE: Building Eco-Resilience in the Face of Climate Challenges
From September 2-11, 2024, the eco-community of Grain&Sens in Lavenant, France, hosted an inspiring Erasmus+ Youth Exchange event called “SOLACE: Strengthening Our Lives Amidst Climate-Related Ecological Challenges.” This transformative program brought…

Partnership Building Activity in Lakabe, Basque region From November 1–7. 2024, participants from multiple European countries gathered in the beautiful ecovillage of Lakabe, Spain, for a Partnership Building Activity (PBA) supported…

Youth Leader Training Between the 13th and 22nd of March of 2024, 29 youth workers from France, Slovenia, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Serbia and Spain came together in Sunny Hill in Slovenia,…

Leadership, empowerment and facilitation for the future (LEAFFF)
Youth Leader Training It’s the first week of November, a Monday, and after rushing from one train to another, we finally arrived in Zaježová. The way to the Educational centre is…

Weaving the Future & Empowering Sustainability
Yes to Sustainability Partnership Building Activity in La Borie Noble 16-23 November 2023 Close to Montpellier, in France, in La Borie Noble, within the serene embrace of the Arch community, 21…

Yes to Sustainability – Creating youth exchanges 20th-27th SEPTEMBER 2023 We are a group of young people from various countries: France, Slovenia, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Romania, Italy & Germany….

Leader in Me 4.0 Training
From the 9th to the 17th of August 2023, Veles farm hosted the 4th edition of the Leader in Me training. An Erasmus+ training, within the Yes To Sustainability network, in…

Youth on Earth – Yes We (C)are, 2023
Imagine entering a spacious room with comfy sofas and colorful walls, with warm lights creating a cozy atmosphere. People are sitting in a circle on a red round carpet. In the…

Earth & Heart Training in Lübnitz, Germany
10-24.7 2023 I traveled by train from Berlin to Bad Belzig, and at the station I already met other backpackers on their way to the same address: the “tiny house community”…

Digital Detox in Community Youth Exchange
“If you put away your phone, you are open to embrace so much more beautiful things happening around you.” – Tim How is the imagination of giving up not just your…

The Balkan Earth Sisters project
In April 2023, a gathering of women from Balkan countries was held in Stara Planina as part of the Balkan Earth Sisters project supported by the Reconstruction Women’s Fund, hosted by…

Cr-I-TO-WE-ty youth exchange
From 17 to 24 June 2022 the Cr-I-TO-WE-ty youth exchange took place in the Torri Superiore ecovillage involving 24 participants from 4 countries (Italy, France, Slovakia and Spain), accompanied by 4…

Youth on Earth – Yes We (C)are, 2022
The aim of this project was to co-create between the participants a safe space of trust, authenticity, love, sensuality, mutual support, respect, where we could follow our inner truth and experience ourselves in a group.

A PERSONAL REPORT I could talk about my digital detox exchange in Germany all day but couldn’t possibly capture everything that I have experienced. It all happened so unexpectedly and, of…

How to start ESC in communities?
Between December 12-17 we gathered at Sieben Linden to attend an Erasmus+ training course about the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) program. When 28 people from 11 different countries come together anything…

Let’s Cooperate 2.0 – The Way for an Inclusive and Sustainable Society
Let’s Cooperate 2.0: The Way for an Inclusive and Sustainable Society was the second edition of a Youth Exchange organized by the association COE – Centro Orientamento Educativo within the Erasmus+…

A Green Tomorrow – First hand ecovillage experience through youth exchange!
ERASMUS+ Youth Exchange at Sieben Linden, a German ecovillage How can I live sustainably? What does sustainability mean? Are there any other people that think like me and want to take…

From Grey to Green
The Youth Exchange “From Gray to Green” was organized in Slovenia (with support from European Union funding, Petra and her permacultural farm Veles, National Agency Movit who was always there answering…

Leader in me 3.0
From the 4th to 11th of August 2022, eighteen of us from more than ten European countries gathered at the permaculture farm Veles in Svinjsko, Slovenia. Thanks to the Erasmus+ program,…

Digital Detox and Nature Connection for Sustainable living II
ERASMUS+ Youth Exchange at Haus Sonnenwald, a German eco-community in Black Forest What is it like to not only be offline for 10 days, but also to completely do without digital…

Leader in me 2.0
Once again, under the Yes to sustainability network, young people by heart, youth workers, from 10 countries gain an opportunity to discover and co-create leaders in themselves during training on Zavod…

Youth on Earth – Yes we (c)are
“Intense world issues are flowing through us. To make peace happen in the world, we need to work on our own issues deep inside. To pacify our relationship to ourselves, to…

Sustainability and inclusion: “LET’S COOPERATE” – 2021
Let’s Cooperate: A way for an Inclusive and Sustainable International Cooperation was an event financed by the Erasmus + Program of the European Union, and organized by Centro Orientamento Educativo with Yes…

Youth on Earth: Yes we (c)are
The seventh youth exchange of the international project “Yes to sustainability” took place this time under the name “Youth on Earth: Yes we (c)are” in ZEGG. 30 young people from France, Slovenia, Spain…

YE Digital Detox and Nature Connection 2020
Youth Exchange at Haus Sonnenwald, a German eco-community in Black ForestDigital detox and nature connection for sustainable living In autumn 2020 eight Germans, eight Italians and eight Slovenians went to the…

TC Young Leaders for Sustainability 2020
Training Course in Torri Superiori Ecovillage, Italy From 13th to 20th of October 24 participants from Italy, Spain, Denmark, Germany, Portugal, Slovenia, France, Finland, Sweden, Greece and the Netherlands participated in…

TC Sustainability Youth Exchanges 2020
Training Course in Small Footprint Ecovillage, Estonia “Sustainability Youth Exchanges”: a training course to share knowledge about youth exchanges, held in Estonia from 1st to 5th September 2020 Väike Jalajälg Ökokeskus…

TC Leader in Me 2019
SLOVENIAN version below Training Course in Zavod Veles Sustainability Initiative – Slovenia A colorful summer is way behind us. And it has taken some time to really internalize and evaluate the…

YE Digital Detox 2019
Youth Exchange in the village Tarasovskaya, Arkhangelsk region find an additional article about the forests of Siberia at the bottom of the page From the 8th until the 15th of October, we spent…

TC Toolkit for Young Leaders in Ecovillages 2019
SERBIAN and HUNGARIAN below! Check out this 90 seconds footage from local television! At the beginning of December, we have been participating in a marvellous and powerful international training course in Amalurra, Spain….

TC Project Creation in Valdepielagos
From 24 to 30 October 2019 the “Training Course: creation of Youth Exchanges on sustainability, applying theatre and music as a tool” was held at the Ecohousing of Valdepielagos, for the…

YE Youth on earth – yes we (c)are 2019
Youth Exchange in ZEGG ecovillage – Germany This EU-funded (ERASMUS+) youth exchange took place for the second time in the ecovillage ZEGG in Bad Belzig. 34 young adults from Italy, France,…

Empower yourself with the circle way
Since 2016 the project “Yes to Sustainability“ organizes international Youth Exchanges and Training Courses which take place in different Ecovillages and Communities all over Europe. The aims of these events are…

TC Project Creation in Sunseed
Training About Youth Exchanges for Sustainability,1st to 5th of April 2019 Every year Europe becomes better connected through various institutions and programmes. One of them, called the Erasmus+, focuses on youth, mainly…

TC Creation of project
“Yes to Sustainability-Creating Youth Exchanges”, Sieben Linden, 2-6 December 2018 To take part in a Youth Exchange is a great opportunity for people between 18 and 30. It’s simple: a group…

TC Youth leader – Lakabe, Spain
In the middle of october on a forested mountainside in Euskal Herria, in the spanish state, a group of young people met. They came together in the ecovillage Lakabe to follow…
Native Spirit Youth Exchange
“Life, Empowerment and Youth. From Nature to Local Actions”. Yes to Sustainability. ERASMUS+ YOUTH EXCHANGE at Native Spirit Camp, Tyrol, Austria. “Life and Nature Youth Camp” was the seventh project of…

YE Zero Waste, Sunseed
The “Zero Waste” was a Youth Exchange took place in Sunseed on 12-19 October 2018! Young people from 18 to 30 years old from Spain, Italy and Portugal explored environmental awareness,…

Findhorn 2018
From 3-16 March 2018 there was a Youth Exchange to the famous Findhorn Community. 24 young eco-minded people from UK, Spain, Italy, and the Netherlands traveled there for a two week immersive program…

Theater and art in Valdepielagos
From 2 to 16 May 2018, in the Ecohousing of Valdepiélagos (Madrid), 25 young people from Italy, France, Holland, Turkey and Spain have met for a youth exchange financed by Erasmus+…

“Yes to Sustainability – FROM I TO WE”
Spain – Lakabe Ecovillage in Navarra From the 1st to the 8th of October, another “Yes to Sustainability – FROM I TO WE” Youth Exchange took place in Spain, at the…

“From I to the We: Yes to Sustainability!”
“From I to the We: Yes to Sustainability!” 8th-16th of August, Svinijsko, Slovenia In August, six young Italians started off to the Zavod Veles eco-village in Slovenia. Together with other young…

“From I to the We: Yes to Sustainability!”
From the 3rd to the 13th of May, six young Italians left for eco-village Hallingelille in Denmark, with the purpose of “tasting” some bites of community life. Since three years, RIVE’s…