TC Leader in Me 2019

SLOVENIAN version below

Training Course in Zavod Veles Sustainability Initiative – Slovenia

A colorful summer is way behind us. And it has taken some time to really internalize and evaluate the moments that have occurred to us in the year 2019. One of such event is the “Leader in Me” training within the EU Erasmus + program. The Veles farm hosted young people as participants of the youth exchange for two years in a row. The desire to work with young people has grown out of them. Thus, we have jointly developed a program for youth workers who are at the beginning of their learning paths and work in the field of a sustainable lifestyle. So good for yourself, society and the natural environment. In August 2019, a meeting and training of 24 youth workers who came from 9 countries took place to develop their skills to work with young people and interweave cooperation networks. Participants from Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Slovenia, Ukraine, Russia, Turkey and Serbia, through informal methods and moderating skills, shared their knowledge and expanded their competences. They explored working methods that support the holistic development of young people in collaboration with themselves, others and nature. The intercultural group tested activities in the fields of music, body and mind. Through the implementation of the entire experience, we also added a new level of the functioning of the Veles Institute. They brought a colorful touch of summer to our little village and left with great gratitude for hosting and supporting them on their learning journey.

And what were the feelings of participants:

The greatest training I’ve ever had: excellent content, beautiful time-planning, well-done organisation. —  Olga

One emotional sentence: A life- and mind-changing experience in the middle of nature, music and humanity.
One practical sentence: The training gave me a lot of inspiration to reflect on what it means to be a good leader – in general, and in my personal life! — Annika

An “Authentic” week full of learnings and heart — Belen

It was intense, educative and also practical. — Ekin

A powerful inner journey at the discovery of my inner leader — Beatrice

You are also invited to watch the video made by participants

Leader In Me

Leader in me – what does this mean?
Is it a person that I have not seen.
A person, that creates and talks,
One that loves and walks?

Or is it just an idea –
One that helps me to combat my fear?
The fears that often come
Shouting that I should just go and run.

There is an inner voice in me
And I think, maybe this is the key.
There are some things that I already know
Some thoughts, ideas, that nobody had me to show.

Mother nature might call it instinct
And I love that she is so succinct
That all living creatures big and small
Somehow all do have an inner call.

A call that we cannot explain
But without it, we feel our lives are in vain.
So my task is to listen to this inner voice
And it is true that I often do have that choice.

Is what I am doing right or wrong?
Usually, the inner voice is strong.
The task is to listen and to do
Although about the result – I might not have a clue.

But this is what it is all about
Having the courage to listen to your inner shout.
Body and heart, soul and mind
God created equal among all mankind.

What you have is just enough.
Just see that, when times get rough.
And what only you can see.
This is what inner leader – means to me.



Pisano poletje je za nami. In potrebno bo še kar nekaj časa, da bomo res ponotranjili in ovrednotili trenutke, ki so se nam pripetili.

Eden takšnih dogodkov je tudi trening Vodja v Meni, znotraj EU programa Erasmus+. Kmetija Veles je dve leti zapored gostila mlade kot udeležence mladinske izmenjave. Iz njih je zrastla želja, da sami stopijo na pot dela z mladimi. Tako smo skupaj razvili program za mladinske delavce, ki so na začetku svoje učne poti in delujejo v polju trajnostnega načina življenja. Torej dobro zase, družbo in naravno okolje.

V avgustu, se je zgodilo srečanje in usposabljanje 24 mladinskih delavcev, ki so prišli iz 9 držav, da bi razvili svoje sposobnosti za delo z mladimi in prepletli mreže sodelovanja.

Udeleženci iz Španije, Italije, Nemčije, Francije, Slovenije, Ukrajine, Rusije, Turčije in Srbije so preko neformalnih metod in moderatorskih veščin predajali eden drugemu svoje znanje ter širili svoje kompetence.

Raziskovali so metode dela, ki podpirajo celostni razvoj mladih v sodelovanju sami s sabo, drugimi in naravo. Medkulturna skupina je preizkušala aktivnosti v polju glasbe, telesa in uma.
Preko izvedbe celotne izkušnje smo tudi v delovanje zavoda Veles dodali novi odtenek delovanja.

Prinesli so pisan pridih poletja naši mali vas in odšli z veliko hvaležnostjo, da jih je gostila in podprla na njihovi učni poti.

Petra Jazbec, Zavod Veles, so.p., Zavod za trajnostni način delovanja

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