Empowering young people through ESC projects

Empowering young people through ESC projects

We are here at Cloughjordan ecovillage in Ireland. An inspiring ecovillage with many apple-trees and crows, inside a cute little town. It’s a place that breathes space, with many fields and forests around. The Irish people are so social and lovely, always willing to help and eager for a talk. We’re following an ERASMUS+ training…

How to start ESC in communities?
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How to start ESC in communities?

Between December 12-17 we gathered at Sieben Linden to attend an Erasmus+ training course about the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) program. When 28 people from 11 different countries come together anything can happen.  Snowy afternoon walks around Sieben Linden, inspiring and open-hearted people, dedicated and experienced facilitators, sauna and the cool down dips in the…

Keeping the flame burning – new perspectives for Yes to Sustainability

Keeping the flame burning – new perspectives for Yes to Sustainability

Last week, the Yes to Sustainability project team met in Arterra Bizimodu for mentor training in the frame of the ongoing Yes to Sustainability Partnership co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the EU. The goal of the training was to empower youth workers within the project team to support and mentor young people who engage…

A Green Tomorrow – First hand ecovillage experience through youth exchange!
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A Green Tomorrow – First hand ecovillage experience through youth exchange!

ERASMUS+ Youth Exchange at Sieben Linden, a German ecovillage How can I live sustainably? What does sustainability mean? Are there any other people that think like me and want to take care of themselves and our planet?  To explore sustainable lifestyles and different methods on sustainability 24 young people from France, the Netherlands, Slovenia and…

Welcome back to Yes to Sustainability – one year after the first meeting in Serbia!

Welcome back to Yes to Sustainability – one year after the first meeting in Serbia!

From 7 to 11 May 2022, our team of youth workers from Italy, Germany, Serbia, Slovenia and Spain gathered at the Veles ecofarm in Slovenia for the fourth Transnational Project Meeting of the Erasmus+ Yes To Sustainability Partnership project, coordinated by GEN Europe. After almost a year of online meetings and the last TPM3 in…

Leader in me 2.0
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Leader in me 2.0

Once again, under the Yes to sustainability network, young people by heart, youth workers, from 10 countries gain an opportunity to discover and co-create leaders in themselves during training on Zavod Veles in Slovenia. Topics we explored together were sustainability in practice and as an inspiring learning space, public speaking, toxic leadership and qualities of…

A new meeting and a new vision for Yes To Sustainability

A new meeting and a new vision for Yes To Sustainability

From the 4th to the 8th of October, a team of youth workers from Italy, Germany, Serbia, Slovenia, Netherlands and Spain met in the ecovillage Sieben Linden in Germany for the third Transnational Project Meeting of the Erasmus+ project Yes To Sustainability Partnership, coordinated by GEN Europe.  Even though all the team was willing to…