TC Toolkit for Young Leaders in Ecovillages 2019
Check out this 90 seconds footage from local television!

At the beginning of December, we have been participating in a marvellous and powerful international training course in Amalurra, Spain. The project was funded by Erasmus+, and it was about Toolkit for young leaders in ecovillages as a part of Yes to sustainability projects. Youth from all around Europe came and shared their learning and teaching experience during the week. The training course was super intensive. The huge amount of energy, trust, emotions, and creativity were present with us. As it used to be the first few days were about getting to know each other and learning about all these frames and programs that make this event possible. We learned how to manage and respect our potential and other different opinions. The group awareness and awareness of goal which is possible to reach if we are working together, if we separate I and respect the needs of the group (From I to WE).

We also learned that a leader is a person who takes care that the decision made by the group, is done. So in case of any group decisions, it can be a different person (perhaps the one who is the most competent in a certain issue). Also, we learned that each group is built on some common interest, then an agreement/rules are made and accepted by the members of the group, then an important component is the objectives (usually a vision that can be an unreachable goal as well, that keeps a community on the track). Furthermore, we learned the difference between complex and complicated. A complicated thing can be simplified by dividing it into smaller parts, those can be solved more easily, meanwhile, a complex thing can not be simplified, so we just need to learn how to dance with it 🙂

We also got a tour in the territory of Amalurra, that was hosting this project. It is a place that was founded in the ’90s to awaken the sacred feminine aspect.
In another practice we made a self-assessment about leadership, then we placed ourselves in different directions, on the field of East-West, North-South. After this, we formed five groups in a way that each group would have someone from each direction. As this group we got a task to facilitate one session about one of the following tools, that can help to solve conflicts, recognize and embrace our shadow side, recognize our secret giants, how to make decisions in bigger groups and how to use deep listening as a tool for helping each other to come through of certain personal issues.
All the activities were done in a very trustful and peaceful environment the participants created. We had a powerful so-called tree ceremony also, that is a wonderful way of finding our current place, tasks, and direction in life.

Then we had a historic afternoon with Irene who is the founder of Amalurra. She gave us so deep and superior sessions about one of the 4 archetypes, the warrior and therefore how to embrace our dark side and don’t use it but own it. I think this was the peak of the whole week, but our group managed to keep the energy at a high level until we said goodbye to each other.
Many talented people gathered together and decided to organize a superior artistic improvisational performance/celebration (From I to WE) on Friday evening. We were actually all exhausted after a while because of the intense and powerful week. However, this evening was really something that showed the artistic side of the creators, who had magically still energy left to perform.

The last day we tried to find our balance and to keep attention on it. Sometimes we are unsettled but still, the most important is to stay present. If we believe and support each other we can succeed. We finished the week with talks, creating our house and space for feedback from other participants. It was wonderful.
Short versions – English, Serbian, Hungarian
At the beginning of December, we attended a fantastic training course in the Basque country at the community of Amalurra. This international training for changemakers around Europe was funded by Erasmus+ program
As changemakers, we have learned the importance of horizontal leadership, where the leader doesn’t mean else, then a person who takes care that the decision made by the group is done.
Also, we have been faced with our shadow sides and learned the way to recognize and work with it.
In the future we hope that we can make all regarding decision making based on sociocratic or consensus-based decision-making techniques. As a very good tool for this, we learned about the “Fishbowl” method.
We all had conflicts with someone, but often a huge part of the conflict exists only in our mind. To resolve conflicts we learned the “Own side, Other side processes”.
Another tool, that we tried can help to show up something in someone else personal issue, that this person would never have explored by her/himself. This method is called “Deep listening”.
Similarly, we learned to find our secret giants :).
As youth leaders, we were on different levels from different aspects, but it had been one of the challenges of this training to find our potentials as youth leaders also.
Početkom decembra smo pohađali fantastičan trening na severu Španije (Baskija), u zajednici Amalura. Erasmus + je finansirao ovaj međunarodni trening za mlade ljude širom Evrope koji bi donosili promene kao mladi lideri.
Kao nosioci promena naučili smo važnost horizontalnog vođstva, gde osoba koja vodi ne znači ništa drugo no da brine da odluke grupe budu ostvarene.
Takođe smo se suočili sa našom senkom i naučili kako da je prepoznamo i integrišemo.
Nadamo se da ćemo u budućnosti moći da donosimo sve odluke sociokratski ili bazirane na konsenzusu. Kao veoma dobar alat za ovakav način upravljanja naučili smo metod koji se zove “Fishbowl” (akvarijum)
Svi smo imali konflikte sa nekim, ali uglavnom je veći deo konflikta postojalo samo u našem umu. Za razrešenje konflikata naučili smo alat “Vlastiti procesi, procesi druge strane.”
Još jedan alat koji smo naučili je “Duboko slušanje” koja pomaže drugoj osobi da otkrije i izrazi ono što nije do sada istražila o sebi, niti bi istraživala sama.
Naučili smo i kako da otkrijemo naše skrivene divove (darove). 🙂
Kao mladi lideri, bili smo na različitim nivoima po pitanju različitih aspekatima i različitih oblasti, a jedan od izazova ovog treninga je bio pronaći sopstveni potencijal kao mladi lider.
December elején egy fantasztikus Erasmus+ képzésen vettünk részt Baszk földön, Amalurra közösségben.
Mint potenciális változást segítők, a témában hasznos dolgokról tanultunk. Ilyenek például a horizontális kormányzási modellek, ahol a vezető személye nem más, mint az aki a csoport által meghozott döntés végrehajtásáért felelelős.
Mindannyiunknak van árnyoldala, azonban csak kevesen veszünk róla tudomást és még kevesebben uralkodunk az árny oldalunk felett.
A jövőben valószínűleg sokkal több beleszólásunk/szavazatunk lesz a minket közvetlenül érintő döntésekbe. Ennek kivitelezésére tanultunk egy nagyon jó módszert amit fishbowl-nak neveznek.
Mindannyian ismerünk olyan személyt akivel van kisebb/nagyobb nézeteltérésünk, de gyakran a konfliktus nagy része az elménkben van jelen csupán. Ezen nézeteltérés feloldására tanultuk az Own side, Other side módszert.
Egy másik módszer amit kipróbáltunk segít rávilágítani az ember olyan dolgaira, amit az adott személy magától nem vett volna észre. Ennek eredményeként ismerkedtünk meg a deep listening hatékonyságával.
Hasonlóképpen rávilágítottunk a saját rejtett erősségeink megismerésére.
Ifjúsági vezetőként különböző szinteken vagyunk, de a képzés egyik kihívásaként meg kellett becsülnünk vezetői készségeinket és új célokat tűztünk ki ezt illetően.