Digital Detox and Nature Connection for Sustainable Living II

1. What?
“Yes to sustainability” is an Erasmus+ project that aims to bring young people from different regions of Europe together to learn foreign languages and cultures, to learn best practises on youth participation and to contribute to a better world.

Youths will come together to experience life in an ecovillage/ eco project and explore what kind of life they are creating for themselves and the world. During these days, there are different activities and time to reflect on how to develop your own life in a sustainable direction.

2. When?

The activity will take place from 12. April 2022 23. April 2022, 10 days long. Arrival day is on Tuesday, April the 12th, between 16h and 19h. The event will end on Saturday, April the 23rd and you can expect to depart between 13h and 15h.

3. Who?

Basic Englishspeaking youths with residence in Germany, Spain, Sweden, France, Slovenia or Italy in between 18 and 30 years who would like to explore living in a sustainable community without digital media.

4. Where?

The youth exchange will take place in “Haus Sonnenwald” in the village SchernbachSeewald, Germany in the region of the Black Forest.

The hosting young (since 2015) nonprofit organization „Freundeskreis der Akademie für angewandtes gutes Leben e.V.“ is establishing a place for transformative, practical and alternative education and a place where we can experiment with sustainable lifestyles to create innovative and creative solutions for the big challenges of our time.

The vision is to empower people and to help them unfold their unique potentials to be able to get active as pioneers of change for a good life for everybody.

The principles and values are a focus on the common good and the individual needs, the unfolding of everybody’s individual capabilities, exchange and networking with locals and international partners, ecology and regenerative, thoughtful lifestyles and creating a “newwe” a corporation in trust, solidarity and awareness.

For more detailed information click here!

To apply click here!

March 2025
May 2025
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