Leader in Me Training Course
LEADER IN ME is a training course with the aim of giving support to young people who are on the path to becoming leaders or youth workers of the future.
During this 8-day training, we will explore various methods, non-formal education tools and share good practices that will support you in rediscovering your inner leadership skills and strengthening your abilities and competencies.
With experienced trainers and facilitators, in a safe and supportive environment, you will be able to step into the shoes of a leader and explore how you can empower yourself and your community in the future.
Training course has a follow-up course Art of Facilitation in November 2024 (12-21), where newborn leaders will transform their leadership qualities into facilitation skills.
27 participants Bulgaria | Croatia | France | Germany | Italy | Netherlands | Serbia | Slovenia | Spain
Dates 7th – 16th August 2024
Fees transport | food | accommodation | trainers | ALL COSTS COVERED
Topics #SelfAwareness #SelfDiscovery #Embodiment #NatureConnection #Leadership #Sustainability #NonFormaEducation #YouthEmpowerment #SelfGrowth
Learn more and APPLY to the training HERE
Contact: projectsveles@gmail.com | Organizer: Zavod Veles | www.kmetija-veles.si | www.yestosustainability.org