“Sustainability Youth Exchanges for a Green Europe”

This is a networking event for youth workers who would like to create youth exchanges in ecovillages and sustainability projects around the theme of sustainability in all its aspects.

We will brainstorm ideas for projects and work on the most promising ones in small groups creating a project development plan with concrete steps to follow from when we get home to the actual application. You will become part of a project team that will work on one concrete youth exchange project. You will learn about the concept of youth exchanges and how to write an application. We will share lots of examples of previous projects, about what works well (or not) and how to design a successful youth exchange.

This project is part of Yes To Sustainability, a network of young people and youth workers whose aim is to create educational opportunities for young people in ecovillages and sustainable projects in Europe thanks to the Erasmus+ program of the EU.

Call for participants:


Application form:


March 2025
May 2025
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