Empower Yourself With The Circle Way

We are searching for 25 young people from Spain, the Netherlands, Greece, Germany and Italy to participate to “Empower yourself with the circle way”, an international Youth Exchange in the Tempo di Vivere ecovillage in Italy.

WHO: The partners are RIE (Spain), Gen Germany (D), Gen Netherland (NL), The spiral (Greece) and RIVE (Italy) of course.

WHERE: The activities will be at “Tempo di Vivere Ecovillage”, near Piacenza, Italy.

WHEN: from the 5th to the17th of June 2019

Are you interested? Please fill in the form and help us get to know you better!
Be honest and show us your motivation to join our Youth Exchange!!!
Deadline to apply: 28 February 2019.

To apply, fill this form

Nicoletta for Italy (organizer): internazionale@ecovillaggi.it
Adriana for Spain: adriana.garcia.aparicio@gmail.com
Mieke for Netherlands: Mieke.Elzenga@gmail.com
Maria for Greece: mariaaggeli@gmail.com
Thomas for Germany: atelierintervention@yahoo.de
For more information: internazionale@ecovillaggi.it, www.yestosustainability.wordpress.com

August 2024
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