Hallingelille Community in Denmark

30 young people from Germany, Spain, Basque Country, Slovenia, Italy and Denmark will come together to participate in an International Youth Exchange on Sustainaibility and Refugees Crisis in Hallingelille ecovillage.

What? Youth Exchange 13 days in Hallingelille Community in Denmark
Who? We are searching for Young people from 18 to 30 years old from (or living) in Slovenia, Denmark, Spain, Vasque Country, Italy and Germany.
Why? We would like to self-organize a youth exchange in an ecovillage in Denmark, where young people will come together to explore what challenges and opportunities we share regarding sustainability; what can we do to empower ourselves and how can we work together as a generation facing a social and ecological crisis to create sustainable change. We aim to explore what ecovillages are doing to tackle the crisis. We aim to focus on: personal development, active citizenship and employability. The question that inspires us is: How could we/I design our/my life to feel satisfied in my relation with myself (personal development), my local community (active citizenship) having a sustainable livelihood (employability)?

Mornings:  we will join the local community in their daily tasks or we will support them in an specific one such as gardening, bioconstruction, land management, sustainable living talks ( from cooking to making soaps), etc.
Afternoons: using different participatory methods we will explore the following questions:

What is my(our) place in the world as an individual and as a generation?
What is “the good life”?  How do I(we) relate to all the dimensions: myself, my family, my local community, my country, europe, the world, nature?
How would we ourselves shape a place ( present-future) where we want to live?
Exchange on ways ecovillages and young people have responded and can make a positive contribution to the refugee crisis.

Denmark (Ronja/Camilla) : camilla@okosamfund.dk
Italy (Nicoletta): segreteria@ecovillaggi.it
Spain/Basque Country (Clara): clara.rdgb@gmail.com
Slovenia (Petra): petrajazbec33@gmail.com
Germany(Delci): delciza@ecobasa.org
We will come together to experiment the life in this ecovillage and to explore together what kind of life we want to create for ourselves and this world.

Interested? All costs are covered by Eramus+.

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