TC Project Creation in Sunseed

TC Project Creation in Sunseed

Training About Youth Exchanges for Sustainability,1st to 5th of April 2019 Every year Europe becomes better connected through various institutions and programmes. One of them, called the Erasmus+, focuses on youth, mainly on exchanging knowledge through non-formal education outside of country borders. Youth exchanges provide a safe environment for young people from 13 to 30 years…

Native Spirit Youth Exchange

“Life, Empowerment and Youth. From Nature to Local Actions”. Yes to Sustainability. ERASMUS+ YOUTH EXCHANGE at Native Spirit Camp, Tyrol, Austria.  “Life and Nature Youth Camp” was the seventh project of “Yes to Sustainability” international project from NEXT-GEN Europe that aims to bring together young people from different regions of Europe by organizing Youth Exchanges…

YE Zero Waste, Sunseed

YE Zero Waste, Sunseed

The “Zero Waste” was a Youth Exchange took place in Sunseed on 12-19 October 2018! Young people from 18 to 30 years old from Spain, Italy and Portugal explored environmental awareness, social inclusion and had an inspiring opportunity to experience life in a sustainable eco-community.  During the exchange, they discovered how their individual behaviour can…

Group picture

Findhorn 2018

From 3-16 March 2018 there was a Youth Exchange to the famous Findhorn Community. 24 young eco-minded people from UK, Spain, Italy, and the Netherlands traveled there for a two week immersive program on Applied Ecovillage Living. During their stay there they learned about: Social tools for personal and group transformation, empowerment and community building Urban and…

Theater and art in Valdepielagos

Theater and art in Valdepielagos

From 2 to 16 May 2018, in the Ecohousing of Valdepiélagos (Madrid), 25 young people from Italy, France, Holland, Turkey and Spain have met for a youth exchange financed by Erasmus+ program. The main objective has been try theatre as an instrument for diffusion and exchange of important values between young people. Below, the testimonies of…

“Yes to Sustainability – FROM I TO WE”

“Yes to Sustainability – FROM I TO WE”

Spain – Lakabe Ecovillage in Navarra From the 1st to the 8th of October, another “Yes to Sustainability – FROM I TO WE” Youth Exchange took place in Spain, at the Lakabe Ecovillage in Navarra. RIVE, as partner organisation, sent 7 young people aged 18 to 30, together with other youngsters from the Netherlands and…

“From I to the We: Yes to Sustainability!”

“From I to the We: Yes to Sustainability!”

“From I to the We: Yes to Sustainability!” 8th-16th of August, Svinijsko, Slovenia In August, six young Italians started off to the Zavod Veles eco-village in Slovenia. Together with other young people from the Netherlands, Slovenia and Spain they experienced 8 days of community life with the main objective of learning more about ecological sustainability….

“From I to the We: Yes to Sustainability!”

“From I to the We: Yes to Sustainability!”

From the 3rd to the 13th of May, six young Italians left for eco-village Hallingelille in Denmark, with the purpose of “tasting” some bites of community life. Since three years, RIVE’s International Team researches and creates inter-cultural and educational opportunities for young people and adults through the funding of the Erasmus + Program of the…