Sustainability on Stage 2.0 – A Transformative Journey in Asturias, Spain

Sustainability on Stage 2.0 – A Transformative Journey in Asturias, Spain

In 2024, a unique project, Sustainability on Stage 2.0, brought together youth workers from six different countries—Serbia, Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, and Turkey—to explore the powerful intersection between theatre and sustainability. This Erasmus+ funded training, held in the lush forests of Asturias, Spain, provided a life-changing experience for all participants. The project aimed to deepen…



Yes to Sustainability – Creating youth exchanges 20th-27th SEPTEMBER 2023 We are a group of young people from various countries: France, Slovenia, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Romania, Italy & Germany. Unfortunately, we did not manage to welcome participants from Serbia, Armenia, Russia, and Poland this time. All aged between 23 and 48 years old,…

Empowering young people through ESC projects

Empowering young people through ESC projects

We are here at Cloughjordan ecovillage in Ireland. An inspiring ecovillage with many apple-trees and crows, inside a cute little town. It’s a place that breathes space, with many fields and forests around. The Irish people are so social and lovely, always willing to help and eager for a talk. We’re following an ERASMUS+ training…

TC Young Leaders for Sustainability 2020

TC Young Leaders for Sustainability 2020

Training Course in Torri Superiori Ecovillage, Italy From 13th to 20th of October 24 participants from Italy, Spain, Denmark, Germany, Portugal, Slovenia, France, Finland, Sweden, Greece and the Netherlands participated in an Erasmus+ Training entitled “Young Leaders for Sustainability” organized by Cooperativa Ture Nirvane in Torri Superiore, an ecovillage in the north-west of Italy. In the training…

TC Sustainability Youth Exchanges 2020

TC Sustainability Youth Exchanges 2020

Training Course in Small Footprint Ecovillage, Estonia “Sustainability Youth Exchanges”: a training course to share knowledge about youth exchanges, held in Estonia from 1st to 5th September 2020 Väike Jalajälg Ökokeskus (Small Footprint ecovillage) in Estonia is a dream come true. It started 6 years ago as an outcome of the Gaia programme in Estonia,…

TC Toolkit for Young Leaders in Ecovillages 2019

TC Toolkit for Young Leaders in Ecovillages 2019

SERBIAN and HUNGARIAN below! Check out this 90 seconds footage from local television! At the beginning of December, we have been participating in a marvellous and powerful international training course in Amalurra, Spain. The project was funded by Erasmus+, and it was about Toolkit for young leaders in ecovillages as a part of Yes to sustainability projects. Youth from…

TC Project Creation in Valdepielagos

TC Project Creation in Valdepielagos

From 24 to 30 October 2019 the “Training Course: creation of Youth Exchanges on sustainability, applying theatre and music as a tool” was held at the Ecohousing of Valdepielagos, for the writing and management of Erasmus + Youth Exchanges (YE). The Training was designed and realized by Manuela di Folco, Alejandro Guidotti and Maria Luisa…

TC Project Creation in Sunseed

TC Project Creation in Sunseed

Training About Youth Exchanges for Sustainability,1st to 5th of April 2019 Every year Europe becomes better connected through various institutions and programmes. One of them, called the Erasmus+, focuses on youth, mainly on exchanging knowledge through non-formal education outside of country borders. Youth exchanges provide a safe environment for young people from 13 to 30 years…