“From I to the We: Yes to Sustainability!”

“From I to the We: Yes to Sustainability!”

From the 3rd to the 13th of May, six young Italians left for eco-village Hallingelille in Denmark, with the purpose of “tasting” some bites of community life. Since three years, RIVE’s International Team researches and creates inter-cultural and educational opportunities for young people and adults through the funding of the Erasmus + Program of the…



STEFANO, 19, BERGAMO, ITALIA HOW IS YOUR INTERNAL WEATHER TODAY? Clear sky with a little breeze in the sunset. WHY DID YOU DECIDE TO COME TO THIS EXCHANGE? I wanted to explore alternatives in community living, ecological and economical possibilities. I also wanted to learn new things about myself, about others, have new experiences and…



KIM, 27, LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIA WHAT ARE YOU ENJOYING THE MOST IN HALLINGELILLE? The calm atmosphere in this place, all the other participants in the exchange, the trampolin and the lake with swans in front of the common house. WHAT PRACTICAL THINGS DID YOU LEARN TODAY IN HALLINGELILLE? We distribute a number of tasks in our…

The Youth Exchange has started

Sunday,  7. mai The youth exchange has started! The first week has almost passed and the days where full of interesting activities, laughter, inspiring exchanges and deep conversations. We just landed in the beautiful paradiselike ecovillage of Hallingelille, where about 50  inhabitants live in very diverse shaped houses  between sheeps, horses and even a zebra! Today…