Beyond Inclusion Training Course

Beyond Inclusion Training Course

Are you passionate about inclusion, diversity, and social sustainability? Join us for a transformative training course designed for youth workers, educators, and facilitators who want to create more inclusive and equitable communities. Through non-formal education and hands-on activities, we’ll explore discrimination, inclusivity, and social justice, equipping you with practical tools to make a real impact….

Sustainability on Stage 2.0 – A Transformative Journey in Asturias, Spain

Sustainability on Stage 2.0 – A Transformative Journey in Asturias, Spain

In 2024, a unique project, Sustainability on Stage 2.0, brought together youth workers from six different countries—Serbia, Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, and Turkey—to explore the powerful intersection between theatre and sustainability. This Erasmus+ funded training, held in the lush forests of Asturias, Spain, provided a life-changing experience for all participants. The project aimed to deepen…

Keeping the flame burning – new perspectives for Yes to Sustainability

Keeping the flame burning – new perspectives for Yes to Sustainability

Last week, the Yes to Sustainability project team met in Arterra Bizimodu for mentor training in the frame of the ongoing Yes to Sustainability Partnership co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the EU. The goal of the training was to empower youth workers within the project team to support and mentor young people who engage…

Let’s Cooperate 2.0 – The Way for an Inclusive and Sustainable Society

Let’s Cooperate 2.0 – The Way for an Inclusive and Sustainable Society

Let’s Cooperate 2.0: The Way for an Inclusive and Sustainable Society was the second edition of a Youth Exchange organized by the association COE – Centro Orientamento Educativo within the Erasmus+ Programme with three other european partners: Las Ninas del Tul, Stichting Liberta Care and Logos Ngo.Between the mountains and lakes, participants coming from Poland,…

Leader in me 2.0
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Leader in me 2.0

Once again, under the Yes to sustainability network, young people by heart, youth workers, from 10 countries gain an opportunity to discover and co-create leaders in themselves during training on Zavod Veles in Slovenia. Topics we explored together were sustainability in practice and as an inspiring learning space, public speaking, toxic leadership and qualities of…

TC Toolkit for Young Leaders in Ecovillages 2019

TC Toolkit for Young Leaders in Ecovillages 2019

SERBIAN and HUNGARIAN below! Check out this 90 seconds footage from local television! At the beginning of December, we have been participating in a marvellous and powerful international training course in Amalurra, Spain. The project was funded by Erasmus+, and it was about Toolkit for young leaders in ecovillages as a part of Yes to sustainability projects. Youth from…

TC Project Creation in Valdepielagos

TC Project Creation in Valdepielagos

From 24 to 30 October 2019 the “Training Course: creation of Youth Exchanges on sustainability, applying theatre and music as a tool” was held at the Ecohousing of Valdepielagos, for the writing and management of Erasmus + Youth Exchanges (YE). The Training was designed and realized by Manuela di Folco, Alejandro Guidotti and Maria Luisa…